Feeling Good

It may be as simple as buying something small like a pair of new ear-rings or trying out a different hair do or a particular style of clothing that you have not done before, but as long as its main effect makes you feel good and positive about yourself then that is all that matters.

We all vary in our needs and some people are needier than others. However, Sometimes we just have to down tools and indulge ourselves to rejuvenate our tired bones and minds and literally vote with our feet!

We all do different things, but in this day and age many women have to juggle several things at once and sometimes there is no let up, and we tend to put others and our families first before our own intrinsic needs. This often results in a grumpy tired you who feels less than worthless (not in all cases but in some). You are not being selfish just to have a little time for yourself and if the family don't help and support you in achieving this take drastic action and book an appointment - that appointment is non-negotiable in other words it is not for you to put aside because one of the other members of the family needs to do something. That appointment is for you and is nothing to do with them. This is just for you it is just YOU Time - its the one period for you to relax and not be at the beck and call of the family. Remember looking after yourself is just as important as looking after the family because if you go down the family goes down and that could cause major problems. Explain it to the family as good management and self preservation.

Well what do I do with that me time. Well there is lots that you can do but variety is important as it helps broaden your horizens and gives you something different to talk about. If you hold tension in your back and it ends up causing a stiff neck/back Aromatherapy would be a good option as it would give you a massage to take the tension out of your muscles and bones, the oils would make you feel good and it will add a sense of calmness to your overall demeanour - time to recharge.

Or you could go swimming or maybe throw the family out and hog the television and put on chick flicks or old movies and have a chance to do what you feel like doing. Whatever you choose it should be something that you need or want to do. Remember just because you are a mum, wife, sister, aunt etc. doesn't mean that you are not a person in your own right and that you have dreams and things that you want and need to do.

Or it may be read a good book for a couple of hours undisturbed, or listen to that piece of classical music and losing yourself in it or just listening to more modern tracks.

Or try belly dancing, it really is a very lovely dance technique and is extremely good exercise - it really does get you fit - you would be very surprised just how many people take part in this kind of exercise and how relaxing and addictive it is. I took part for over a year - until something else I was involved with took precedence but I also belonged to the exhibitition group as well that you used to go to local venues to demonstrate and local shows.

Remember life is not a rehearsal it is our life to live and it is better not to have regrets but to have lived life to the full. No one's perfect and people make mistakes but that is positive - not negative as we only learn from making mistakes.

The frequency of these you times is down to you but I would suggest a minimum of once a month - you never know you may find you enjoy this You time and up it to a couple of times a month. Go on recharge and renew it is allowed and it is positively good for you.


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