Peach and Ginger Chutney

I managed to snap a bargain with some peaches from the market on Friday - I was in two minds as to whether to bring them home or not as I have the terrors over peeling peaches as it always tends to go wrong for me. But this time I seem to have had a minor success apart from one which was a tad difficult.

The recipe states:

1.5kg(3lb 3oz ) peaches
2 large onions
6 garlic cloves
3 small dried red chillies
5 cm (2 inch) piece fresh root ginger
500g (1lb 20z) mixed dried fruit
1 litre (1 3/4 pints) cider vinegar
675g (1 1/2 lb) light muscovado sugar

Well I pattypanned it - as didn't have some of the ingredients to hand so I have improvised

I used 4 garlic cloves
1 long red chilli (I don't like things too hot)
Instead of Mixed fruit I used golden sultanas
Had no cider vinegar so I used white wine vinegar
And I used white sugar

So far at the end of cooking it tastes promising and I don't normally say that aboutchutneys but give it a month or so. Surprisingly it has gone very dark.

Recipe comes from Thane Princes Jams and Chutneys ISBN No 978-1-4053-2954-5.

Makes about 2 to 2.5 kg - 4 1/2 to 5 1/2lb

1. Cut a small cross in the base of each peach and then plunge them individually into a pot of boiling water. Hold for about 30 seconds and then plunge straight into cold water. Do each peach like this and if the skin still sticks re-try until it releases, putting into cold water straight after. Peel off the skin. Chop into small segments discarding the peach stone. Chop the onions, crush the garlic, chop the chillies finely and grate the ginger.

2. Put peach flesh, onions, garlic and dried fruit into preserving pan, stir in the ginger, chilli and vinegar then stir in the sugar amalgamating well and so that the sugar becomes liquid.

3. Bring slowly to he boil over a low heat, stir everyso often as you don't want it sticking to the bottom of the pan. Once the sugar has dissolved increase the hear and allow the chuntey to bubble for about 30 to 40 minutes, until the chutney goes really thick and stirring more often so the chutney does not catch and burn.

4.Once there are no vinegar puddles on the top of the chutney take off heat and decant into vinegar proof bottles/jars, seal and label. I usually leave at least a month to mature before opening.

Now is the time to get the chutney made so that it is ready for Christmas and any potential vistors.

In this house I cook everything in preparation for Christmas, then I cook Christmas Dinner - then that's it for a few days - everybody helps themselves, with cold cuts, pickled onions and chutneys. I also give a few jars of preserves away as pressies.


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