2010.04.25 My Day

Well I had this idea that I was going to give my galley kitchen a mega spring clean out, including all the cupboards and sorting things out and re-organising so that I can actually find things. I think I have been a touch optimistic. I am about half way through and I still have a long way to go, we are getting there but a lot slower than I had hoped. I still have the Pantry to clean out and re-ackerfurbitate as well. But I did find a few things I had forgotten I had, which are going to come in useful in the weeks ahead.

Well the weather got better and the sun did eventually come out to play and my washing which I had left out last night eventually got dry, but it hasn't been as nice as it has been the past few days.

I have also cooked Spring Chicken for tea tonight. I have pinched all the skin up so that I can put a fresh home made herb butter underneath to self-baste the bird whilst it was cooking, together with two fresh bay leaves. I used a mixture of fresh thyme, Ictarina Sage, Rosemary, Chives Mint and of course the bay leaf, chopping all herbs with my Mezzaluna chopper and board In true fashion I have popped a load of vegetables underneath with which to make the gravy, wrapped in foil and then popped into the oven.

If you look closely you can see the bay leaves under the skin. I then added an onion to the cavity of the chicken together with what remained of the herb butter.

This is what it looked like plated up.

I had made home made bread sauce as well and it was very tasty and absolutely delicious.

And then for pudding I have done Toffee Apples with Ice Cream again.

And with the Ice Cream

So the kitchen is not yet finished but we have eaten. It will probably take me a couple of more nights to complete. Thank goodness we have the bank holiday weekend coming up and its my birthday on the Bank holiday Monday.


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